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We established cooperation with the municipality night shelpter for homeless peoplein Pezinok

Updated: Jul 30, 2024

It is almost impossible to maintain good health when one lives without a home. For

people experiencing homelessness health is very important. Support and healthcare

services can significantly improve the quality of their life or improve their chances of

reintegration into society.

Mária Žembery, MD, visited the night shelter in Pezinok within her mobile ambulance

service on Wednesday, July 17, 2024. Doctor Žembery is a secondary doctor and

surgeon in Bratislava, who has been working as an outreach doctor in EQUITA for

four years. She provided health consultations to 12 homeless people in the shelter,

talking also about their difficulties and revived hope for a change for the better.

Affordable, quality and acceptable services are an excellent springboard to

overcome difficult life situations. The most common health problem among the

shelter clinets was high blood pressure.

Civic association EQUITA provides health support to people who face barriers in

access to healthcare as a result social exclusion, poverty, war or other humanitarian

disasters. The cooperation of EQUITA and the city of Pezinok contributes to the

reduction of social inequalities and supports an inclusive society.

This project was financially supported by OZ Morfeus. We thank you.

The night shelter in Pezinok is available to homeless people throughout the year.

Homeless people can are welcome in the night shelter on Bratislavská St. 22 in

Pezinok every day of the week (including weekends and holidays) from 7:00 p.m. to

7:00 a.m. In addition to overnight accommodation, the dormitory provides social

counseling, clothing and footwear. People can also prepare food and have a shower


The fee for 1 night is 1.40 EUR. For a citizen in financial need, the fee is for 1 night

reduced to 1 EUR. One can come at 7 p.m. directly to the shelter. If there is an

available bed, they will be accepted immediately. All necessary administrative

actions associated with accommodation will be done by an employee directly in the

night shelter.


EQUITA is a non-profit non-governmetal organisation providing health care, social services and protection from violence for vulnerable people, such as homeless people, refugees, survivors of violence and people from marginalized communities.



EQUITA, o.z.
Pod vinicami 3712/25
811 02 Bratislava


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